Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church

Donate to our projects

Our church is supported mainly by the generous freewill offerings of members and friends. We do not charge membership fees or take collections during services, nor is any set fee payable to the priest for sacraments. Outside of typical operating expenses and monies set aside for outreach, we allocate funds for special projects, including:

  • the continued restoration and renovation of our temple and historic hall;
  • an ambitious iconography project that will see the walls and ceiling of our church covered in traditional frescoes

Donations may be made:

  • e-transfer
    • our e-transfer address is
  • online by PayPal Giving Fund
  • by mail
    • cheques should be made payable to “Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church”
      and sent to:
      721 Somerset Street West,
      Ottawa, ON
      K1R 6P7
  • in person at the church (cash or cheques may be placed in the basket just inside the nave).

Receipts for income tax purposes are sent to all donors after the end of each fiscal year.